THE TWO GENTLEMENT OF VERONA​colorado shakespeare festival
director carolyn howarth
Davidson deftly navigates the complex arc of Silvia's character—the sophisticated rhetorical play (insightful jabs, biting sarcasm), the moral high ground, and her passion for Valentine."
Bob Bows - Colorado Drama

​butterfly effect theatre of colorado
director rebecca remaly
"Davidson and Mori are both strong actors who find a lot to explore in each character. As Millie, Davidson worked up a potpourri of idiosyncrasies both physical and verbal to help illustrate the emotional armor the character has built up around herself."
Alex Miller - Onstage Colorado

​deck nine games
performance director webb pickersgill
"And if you're not feeling too empathetic, Anastasia Davidson does a killer job at portraying the plastic, corporate mouthpiece of Typhon Mining Company, Diane Jacobs."
Andrew Kiya - PlayStation LifeStyle

miners alley playhouse
directed by len matheo
"...One thing I can say without equivocation is that watching the evolution of Anastasia Davidson as an actor over the years has been like watching a tree come into full, majestic bloom. Her work as Elizabeth Proctor is a culmination. It would seem unlikely to me that any actor might believably achieve such a present, focused, transparent, honest performance in such an unforgivingly intimate venue as Miners Alley Playhouse. But she pulls it off. Her final scene with Jihad Milhem, in particular, is riveting. And wrenching. And tragic. And heroic. And wonderful."
John Moore - John Moore Theatre Coverage

arvada black box
directed by emily van fleet
“Anastasia Davidson’s Helena displays genuine passion — both in love and in anger. (Davidson also creates the funniest Wall I've ever seen in a ludicrous play within a play.)”
Juliet Wittman - Westworld
“The four Lovers/Fairies/Mechanicals impressively span the spectrum from melodrama to outright comedy … The Mechanicals’ performance is expectedly hilarious, though Davidson’s portrayal of Snout (aka The Wall), so worried about how the lion, the wall, and the moon might be received, is especially endearing.”
Ginny Quaney - PlayShakespeare

denver center for performing arts
directed by chris coleman / rose riordan
“The subtle sub textual reticence and anxiety, which we assume is a result of Kristine's difficult circumstances, is deftly revealed by Davidson as a more complex alchemy that includes a strategically calculating mind (which is cleverly carried over into the sequel by Davidson as an aspect of Nora's grown daughter's psyche).”
“Fully leveraging the power that the playwright imbues in Emmy, Davidson is formidable indeed. Some of her temerity is carried over from Kristine Linde, whom Davidson plays in A Doll's House; but, to these skills Davidson conjures a number of additional powers, with a laser-like focus and impeccable, mile-a-minute delivery.”
Bob Bows - Colorado Drama
“In “Part 2,” [Davidson] enlivens Emmy’s testy estimation of her mother with the fleet delivery of the young woman’s too-clever-for-her-age observations.”
Lisa Kennedy - Denver Post
“Nora’s daughter, Emmy (Anastasia Davidson), completely juxtaposes her mother, as she is highly disciplined and often intimidating (though audiences can’t blame her since her mother walked out on her at infancy).”
Jaleesia Fobbs - The Sentry

boulder ensemble theatre company
directed by stephen weitz
“Anastasia Davidson does crisp work as the play’s occasional narrator. Siobhan is a believable stand-in for the kind, consistent presence a kid like Christopher needs, even if “need” is not an emotional state he fully grasps.”
Lisa Kennedy - Denver Post
“Anastasia Davidson is beautiful in this role, which has her as the teacher in a number of scenes but mostly serving as a sort of angel on Christopher’s shoulder helping him sort through the myriad choices he must make…I thought of Siobhan as an ombudsman of sorts, someone who could help the audience understand some of the rubric through which Christopher sees the world. Combined with the outer script, the layers added by the audio and visual cues and the somewhat mystical role of Siobhan, “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time” ends up being one of the most believable and compassionate depictions of a troubled and complex mind I’ve ever seen.”
Alex Miller - Onstage Colorado

denver center for performing arts
directed by chris coleman
“Davidson is gripping, as she channels Dolly's inner turmoil and panoramic range of emotional changes, as she transmutes Dolly's pain into strength.”
Bob Bows - Colorado Drama

curious theatre
directed by dee covington
“Anastasia Davidson portrays Erik and Deirdre’s daughter, Brigid. New to this reviewer, her engaging performance makes one hope to see her soon again upon the Denver stage.”
David Marlow - Marlowe's Musings
“Davidson's emotional transparency makes Brigid the ever-present heart-centered keel of the story. Davidson and Amadeo's yin-yang, anima-animus, opposites attract chemistry works to a "T.””
Bob Bows - Colorado Drama

boulder ensemble theatre company
directed by rebecca remaly
“Davidson’s romantic odyssey, from smitten to jilted to redeemed is a dramatic gem that brings the family’s precarious situation to the brink. Davidson in disguise is also great fun as the heavily veiled Miss de Bourgh, a thoroughly odd and eccentric creature.”
Bob Bows - Colorado Drama

boulder ensemble theatre company
directed by rebecca remaly
“Davidson, in particular, made me sit up and take notice by delivering an Ellie as believable a shrew as she is as a babe in the woods.”
Gary Zeidner - Boulder Weekly
“Davidson’s feisty and manic Ellie is a chimera of unpredictable, awkward, and honest facets that are all revisited when she goes to visit her adopted grandmother. When she returns home, the twin traumas of mortality and a fire serve as catalysts for a wonderful catharsis, beautifully rendered by Davidson.”
Bob Bows - Colorado Drama
“Anastasia Davidson plays such an unattainable Ellie, making viewers wonder, as she does, if she’s worthy of the happiness that she could potentially have.”
Gabrielle DeCristofaro - ALOC Media

curious theatre
directed by idris goodwin
“Anastasia Davidson’s Caroline is the edgy stranger in a strange land.”
Mark Stevens - Telluride Inside
“Davidson deftly juggles Caroline's disparate aspects—her rough and tumble street smarts mixed with a sweet innocence and idealism.”
Bob Bows - Colorado Drama

boulder ensemble theatre company
directed by kate folkins
“Henrietta didn’t run away from home and roots. She ran toward a calling. In portraying her, Davidson captures Henrietta’s ache to uncover the patterns of the universe. She also makes palpable the astronomer’s — and ours — enduring awe at an inky night perforated with stars.”
Lisa Kennedy - Denver Post
“The full cast of five is remarkable! Davidson plays a mesmerizing, starry-eyed Henrietta.”
Gabrielle DeCristofaro - ALOC Media